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Saturday, January 25, 2025

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Legislation Description
HEHSCS-15-21 Approving and Adopting the Amended Navajo Nation Veterans Administration Housing Program Policy, NNVA Veterans Housing Program - Housing Action Plan, and the NNVA Home Improvement Program Policy
NABIAU-25-21 Reaffirming Resolutions NABIN-69-18 and NABIMY-27-19, equesting the United States Congress and the Biden-Harris Administration to Establish Direct Services on the Navajo Nation for Navajo Veterans
CJY-46-21 Amending Navajo Nation Veterans Trust Fund, Title 12, Subchapter 8, 12 N.N.C. Section 1171
HEHSCAP-04-21 SUPERSCEEDED Amending HEHSCF-03-18; Approving the Navajo Nation Veterans Housing Policy, as Amended, the Housing Action Plan, as Amended, and the Home Improvement Program Policy
BFD-45-20 Directing the Office of the Auditor General to Conduct a Performance Audit of the Navajo Nation Veterans Administration in Fiscal Year 2021
HEHSCN-16-20 Amending the Plan of Operation For the Navajo Nation Veterans Administration
CS-78-20 Extending the Fund Lapse Exception to the Annual Appropriation to the Veterans Trust Fund, as Set Forth in 12 N.N.C. Section 1171 (B), Through Navajo Nation Fiscal Year 2024
HEHSCJA-03-20 Rescinding HEHSCF-002-12, Navajo Veterans Affairs Policies and Prociedures for Financial Assistance From the Navajo Nation Trust Fund; Approving the Navajo Nation Veterans Administation Policies For Providing Financial Assistance From the Navajo Veterans Trust Fund
NABIMY-27-19 For the Purpose of Discussion, Reaffirmation, and Possible Amendment of NABIN-18-18 Titled "An Action Relating to Health, Education and Human Services and Naabik'iyati Committees; Respectfully Requesting the United States Veteran Affairs Administartion to Establish Direct Services on the Navajo Nation for Navajo Nation Veterans"
NABIN-70-18 Respectfully Requesting the United States Veterans Affairs Administration to Establish a Veterans Hospital and Create Personnel Positions to Address Housing and Benefits on the Navajo Nation for Navajo Nation Veterans
NABIN-69-18 Respectfully Requesting the United States Veteran Affairs Administration to Establish Direct Services on the Navajo Nation for Navajo Nation Veterans
NABIN-70-18 Respectfully Requesting the United States Veterans Affairs Administration to Establish a Veterans Hospital and Create Personnel Positions to Address Housing and Benefits on the Navajo Nation for Navajo Nation Veterans
CO-70-18 VETOED Amending 2 N.N.C. Sections 1031, 1033, 1034 and 1035 Relating to the Veterans Advisory Council
CO-63-17 VETOED Approving the "Navajo Nation Veterans Trust Fund Income Act" to Amend the Navajo Nation Code, Title 12, Chapter 10, Subchapter 8, Navajo Nation Veterans Trust Fund, Section 1171 Establishment (A) and Section 1175 Definition of Principal and Income (A) (B)
NABIO-62-18 Supporting New Mexico Senate Bill 105 Titled "An Act Making an Appropriation for a Navajo Code Talkers Museum and Veterans Center"
CJY-55-18 Establishing the Navajo Veterans Housing Program Within the Navajo Veterans Administration; Amending 2 N.N.C. Section 1033
CMY-50-18 Approving a Disbursement of the Income From the Navajo Nation Veterans Trust Fund in the Amount of One Million, Ninety-four Thousand, Seven Hundred Eighty Four Dollars ($1,094,784) to the Five Veterans Agency Organizations, Business Units 703014-703124
RDCMY-53-18 Approving and Amendment to the Navajo Nation Homesite Lease Regulations, RDCO-74-16, to Waive Fees, Penalties and Fines for Individuals Sixty-Five (65) Years of Age, or Older, and for Honorably Discharged Veterans
NABIF-10-18 Concurring With the Navajo Nation President's Donation Acceptance From BNSF Railway Foundation on Behalf of the Navajo Nation Veterans Administration; and Directing the Navajo Nation Veterans Administration to Record the Donation With the Ethics and Rules Office
HEHSCF-03-18 RESCINDED Approving Navajo Nation Veterans Housing Policies and Procedures
BFJA-04-18 Approving the Recommendation of the Navajo Nation Investment Committee to Change the Veterans Trust Fund Target Asset Allocation
CJA-02-18 Approving Amendments to 12 N.N.C. Section 1176 of the Navajo Nation Veterans Trust Fund
CD-74-17 Overriding the Navajo Nation President's Veto of Navajo Nation Council Resolution CO-63-17
CS-56-17 Reauthorizing the Exception to Fund Lapse Requirements With Respect to the Annual Appropriation to the Veterans Trust Fund as Amended and Provided for in Navajo Nation Council Resolution CS-48-13 and Authorizing Extending That Exception From Fund Lapse Through Fiscal Year 2020
NABIJY-56-17 Concurring with the Navajo Nation President to Accept a Gift to the Navajo Nation Veterans Administration; and Directing the Navajo Nation Veterans Adminsitration to Record the Vehicle Gift With the Ethics and Rules Office
NABID-106-16 Supporting Comments Submitted by Navajo Nation President Russell Begaye Concerning the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' Plans to Consolidate Multiple Community Programs
RDCO-74-16 Approving the Amendments to the Navajo Nation Homesite Lease Regulations
HEHSCAU-12-16 Enacting Plan of Operation for Navajo Nation Veterans Administration; Rescinding Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs Plan of Operation
HEHSCJY-04-16 Enacting Plan of Operation for Navajo Nation Veterans Advisory Council
CJA-3-16 Estasblishing the Navajo Nation Veterans Administration and Navajo Nation Veterans Advisory Council and Amending 2 N.N.C. Sections 1703 and 1704
CJN-22-15 Respectfully Requesting the United States Veteran Affairs Administration and Arizona Representative Ann Kirkpatrick to Investigate and Provide Relief to the Veteran Affairs Chinle Facility and Navajo Nation Veterans
RDCJN-32-15 Directing the Navajo Housing Authority to Further Develop a Veteran's Housing Program for Both Low Income Veteran's Families and Non Low Income Veteran's Families to Include Rentals and Homeownership From Financing up to Free Homes for Veterans and to Amend its Indian Housing Plan to Reflect This
NABIJN-35-15 Respectfully Urging the United States Department of Veteran Affairs to Streamline its Benefit Services for Navajo Code Talkers and Other Veterans and Remove or Minimize the Barriers to Reveiving Assistance
CS-48-13 Amending the Navajo Nation Veterans Trust Fund, 12 N.N.C. Section 1171 to Provide for Equal Distribution of the Annual Comprehensive Budgeted Amount Between the Navajo Nation Veterans Trust Fund and the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs to Construct up to 15 Homes and to Provide Mior Renovation and Repairs for Navajo Veterans in Each of the Five (5) Navajo Agencies
CMY-33-12 Approving Pursuant to the 3 Three Branch Chiefs Agreement Supplemental Funding from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance in the Total Amount of $16,181,222 to Business Unit # 109019, 108003, 112007, 112005, 112008, 108014-108123, 102002, 102004,101015, 108028-108058 for Head Start Program, Solid Waste Management Program, Air Transportation Department, Navajo Nation Transit System, Facilities Maintenance, Administration Building 1, Navajo Nation Chapters, Chinle Judicial District, Window Rock Judicial District, Office of the Speaker, Navajo Nation Chapter District Grazing Officials, Eastern Navajo Land Board, Navajo Nation Farm Board and Veterans/President Approved *Headstart $3,000; Solid Waste Management $1,500; Air Transportation $43,000; Transit System $390,000; Admin Building 1 $1,500,000; Chapters Business $6,000; Chinle Judicial District $225,000; Window Rock Judicial District $78,000; Speaker Ofc $600,000; Chapters Grazing/Land Board $1,345,222; Chapters Veterans $1,500,000=TotaI $2,991,722.
HEHSCF-2-12 Approving the Amendment of the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs Policies and Procedures for Financial Assistance from the Navajo Nation Trust Fund.
BFMY-I1-10 Accepting a Follow-Up Review of the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs within the Division of Human Resources and Imposing Sanctions on the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs and Division of Human Resources and Department Director, Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs and the Executive Director of the Division of Human Resources for Failure to Implement the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs Corrective Action Plan (LN#0083-10
CO-39-10 Amending Title 2 of the Navajo Nation Code 2 NNC 1704
IGRD-212-10 Authorizing the Provision of Routine Health Care for Non-Indian Health Service Eligible Veterans by a VAIHS Team who are providers from Chinle Service Unit (CSU) and Northern Arizona Veterans Health Care System (NAVAHCS) and Whose Main Emphasis is to Provide Care to Eligible American Indian Veterans in the Chinle Service Unit and that the Chinle Service Unit in Partnership with the VA Team to continue to plan more Social Services and Mental Health Care
CO-40-09 Expressing Support For Proposed Federal Legislation to Exclude Veterans' Compensation and Survivors' Benefits From the Definition of Income to NAHASDA
RCAU-87-09 Approving the Withdrawal of 4.0 Acres, More or Less, of Navajo Nation Trust Land for the Echo Cliff Veterans Organization to Construct, Operate and Maintain the Bodaway / Gap Veterans Park at Cedar Ridge
IGRMY-61-09 Approving the Intergovernmental Grant Agreement (IAD-GA NO. 609-05-0928) between the Navajo Nation and the State of New Mexico Indian Affairs Department in the Amount of $262,350 for Activities Associated with the Planning, Designing and Construction of a Veterans Multi-Complex Building for the Burnham Chapter
IGRJY-95-09 Approving an Addendum to Resolution IGRJA-002-09 by Approving the Submission of Stimulus Funding Proposals for Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs Projects under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
IGRS-168-09 Approving and Authorizing Acceptance of a Grant Award in the Amount of $252,000 from the Corporation for National and Community Service to the Navajo Nation - Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs
GSCMA-005-09 Concurring with the President's Acceptance of a Monetary Gift in the Amount of $2,000 from Rosita Jumbo Hayes for the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs to assist one or more injured Navajo veterans who have returned from Iraq
CF-06-08 The Navajo Supplemental Appropriations in the Amount of $17,015,000 From the Grant Reserve Fund Balance of Which $1,000,000 Goes to the Department of Emergency Management for Emergency Services Due to the Extreme Snow and Mud Conditions Within the Navajo Nation; $3,000,000 for Navajo Nation Chapter Scholarships, Business Unit 108014 Thru 108123; $3,000,000 for Navajo Nation Chapter Housing, Business Unit 108014 Thru 108123; $8,000,000 for Navajo Nation Chapter Veterans, Business Unit 108014 Thru 108123; $2,015,000 for the Office of the Speaker, Business Unit 101015; Waiving 12 N.N.C. §§820(J) and (L), CS-31-07, Paragraph 4, and Other Navajo Nation Laws (VETOED)
CAP-10-07 Amending the Navajo Nation Fiscal Year 2007 Budget by Approving a Supplemental Appropriation in the Amount of $10,327,484 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance to the Division of Public Safety, Education Committee, Dine Power Authority, Navajo Nation Council, Native Broadcast Services, Office of the Speaker Office of the President and Navajo Nation Council, Department of Veterans Affairs, the Annual Fixed Cost Audit, and the PEP Program; Waiving 12 N.N.C. 55810, 820, 860, 1001, 2001-2070, 16 N.N.C. §§201-208 and Other Navajo Nation Laws
CO-45-07 Approving a Total Appropriations in the Amount of $8,522,000 from the Undesignated, Unreserved Fund Balance to the Following Programs: $5,908,000 to the Department of Justice to Be Used for Current Navajo Nation Litigation; $1 19,000 to the Navajo Department of Veterans Affairs- Administration; $1,915,000 to the Office of the Speaker; $480,000 to the Navajo Nation Council; $100,000 to the Office of the President; Waiving 12 N.N.C. §820(J) and (L) and Other Navajo Nation Laws
GSCF-06-07 Accepting and Concurring with the Presidents Acceptance of a Gift From V.E.T.S., INC. For the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs — Chinle Agency DNVA Office Consisting of one used 2004 Cargo Trailer (VIN: 48B TEi92XA067588)
GSCD-64-07 in the Acceptance of the $25,000 Gift from Patrick M. Byrne, to be used to Purchase Turkeys for Distribution to Needy Navajo Families, Including Elders and Veterans During the Christmas Season ORLANDA SMITH-HODGEIAMOS F. JOHNSON
CJY-05-06 Supporting and Requesting the-U.S. and the State of Arizona to Name the Portion of U.S. Highway 191 that Traverses the Navajo Indian Reservation Be named the Navajo Veterans Highway
CAP-14-06 Approving Supplemental Appropriation in the Amount of $1,645,000 from the Unreserved, Undesignated Reserve Fund Balance: $700,000 to the Division of Economic for the Construction of a Rubber Glove Manufacturing Facility; $175,000 to the Department of Veterans Affairs Shiprock Agency; $65,000 to Dine Bi Olta School Board Association; $705,000 for Navajo Nation Financial Assistance; Waiving 12 N.N.C. §820(J) and (L) and Other Navajo Nation Laws
BFN-51-06 Amending the Navajo Veterans Loan Program Operating Policies and Guidelines, Relating to Human Services and Finance; Amending the Navajo Veterans Home Program Operating Policies and Guidelines Relating to Human Services and Finance; Amending the Navajo Veterans Loan Program Operating Policies and Guidelines
BFN-52-06 Amending the Navajo Veterans Home Program Operating Polices and Guidelines
CN-55-06 Enacting the Veterans Trust Fund Amendment Act of 2006, Amending Title 12 of the Navajo Nation Code. 2 N.N.C. $1171
BF-40-05 Amending the Navajo Nation Veterans Loan Program Operating Policies and Guidelines
CAP-23-05 Extending the Navajo Nation Proclamation; 2004: Year of the Navajo Veteran" Throughout Calendar Year 20.05. to Recognize, Appreciate and Honor All Military Navajo Nation for their Courage, Sacrifice and Dedication
CJY-31-04 Amending Navajo Nation 2004 Fiscal Year Budget; Making a Supplemental Appropriation in the Amount of $150,000 to Western Navajo Agency Department of Navajo Veterans From Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance; Waiving 12 NNC $3320 (E), and other Navajo Nation Laws
CJY-32-04 Amending Navajo Nation Fiscal Year 2004 Budget by Making a Supplemental Appropriation in the Amount of $225,000 from Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance for the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs and For Veterans Services and Activities to Carry out the Proclamation "2004 Year of the Navajo Veterans" Waiving 12 NNC 5820 (E), (F), (J) and (L), and Other Navajo Nation Laws
HSCMY-01-04 Amending the Navajo Nation Personnel Policies Manual to Provide for Navajo Veterans' Preference at Section III C
CMY-31-03 Supporting the Navajo Nation's Efforts in Securing the Vacated Old Public Health Service (PHS) Hospital and Other Adjacent Vacated Facilities Located in Fort Defiance, Arizona to be Utilized to House Veterans' Programs and Navajo Division of Health Programs
CO-63-03 VETOED Approving the Appropriation in the Amount of $1,500,000 as a Grant to the Dine Power Authority in FY 2004 for the Development of the Navajo Transmission Project, Power Generation Project, Related Energy Development and Operation of the Dine Power Authority; $1 .0 Million for the Public Employment Program; $13,563 for Office of the Speaker Account Number 101015 for Veteran Activities, and $536,747 for Grazing Committee Officials and Eastern Agency Land Boards
CD-78-03 Overriding the President's Veto of Resolution CO-63-03 (Appropriation Dine Power Authority, Public Employment, Speaker, Veteran Activities, Grazing Officials, Eastern Agency
HSCAP-19-03 Recommending that the Government Services Committee of the Navajo Nation Council Approve and Adopt an Amended Plan of Operation for the Department of Naval Veterans Affairs Under the Executive Branch, Division of Human Resources. Presiding: Larry Anderson, Sr.
GSCMY-40-03 Approving and Adopting the Amended Plan of Operations for the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs Under the Executive Branch, Division of Human Resources of the Navajo Nation
BFF-25-03 Recommending to the Navajo Nation Council the Amendment of Resolution No. CS-60-02 by - Making a Supplemental Appropriation from the Undesignated, Unreserved Fund Balance in the Total Amount of $110,000 for Local Chapter Military Veterans; and Recommending the Navajo Nation Council Waive the Requirements of 12 N.N.C.;'§ '820 (J), (L), and (0) of the Appropriations Act and Resolution No. CS-60-02, Exhibit "F", Condition of Appropriation No. 14.
HSCAP-20-03 Requesting the Navajo Nation Council to Support the Efforts of Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs in Securing the Old Fort Defiance Public Health Service Hospital and Other
BFMY-39-02 Accepting the Performance Audit of the Veterans Loan Program Submitted by the Office of the Auditor General and Approving the Corrective Action Plan
CO-80-01 Recognizing and Honoring Veterans who are Members of the Navajo Nation Council
BFS-75-00 Approving the Amended Operating Policies and Guidelines for the Veterans Loan Program of the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs
CO-73-00 Recognizing the American Legion Post 33, JERRY & DAW, Floyd Dawson, Helen B. Webster, Collier Greyhat, Local Community Leaders, Thomas Chabin, Coconino County Board of Supervisors and Lousie Yellowman, Coconino Board of Supervisors for Their Hard Work on the Development of the Tonalea Veterans Memorial Part at Tonalea, Navajo Nation (Arizona)
CJY-46-98 Waiving Resolutions CS-45-84, CAP-31-94 and Cs-78-97 to the Extent Necessary to Execute this Appropriation and Establishing the "Navajo Nation Veterans Trust Fund" by Initial Appropriation of Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000) from Undesignated Tribal Reserves
HSCJA-4-98 Approving Budget Transfer of $12,434 from Line Item 7406 of Accounts 3- 18311, 3-18312, 3-18313, 3-18314 and 3-18316 for Purposes of Establishing Matching Funds Required by National Alliance of Veteran Family Service Organization (NAVFSO) for Year 3 Funding of Veterans Helping Veterans AmeriCorps Program
CO-95-97 Amending Resolution CS-78-97 by Directing and Authorizing the Navajo Veterans Affairs Program to Disburse in Lump Sums Directly to the Navajo Nation Chapters Their Share of the $3.3 Million Appropriated for Veterans Assistance
HSCMA-15-97 Amending Resolution CS-78-97 by Directing and Authorizing the Navajo Veterans Affairs Program to Disburse in Lump Sums Directly to the Navajo Nation Chapters Their Share of the $3.3 Million Appropriated for Veterans Assistance
CAP-39-96 Supporting the Findings and Results of the Congressionally Mandated Study Conducted by the American Indian Vietnam Veterans Project and Urging the Federal Government to Access Local Health Care/Benefits Services for Navajo Veterans
BFD-144-95 Recommending that the Navajo Nation Council 1933 Intensely Advocate Restoration of Appropriations, Equal to the Fiscal Year 1995 Levels, to Proposed Fiscal Year 1996 Federal Budget Reduction in H.R. 2099 Appropriation Bill Which May Adversely Impact The Operating Programs in Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development of the Navajo Nation
GSCO-75-95 Concurring to the Navajo Nation President' s Acceptance of and Distribution of $50,000.00 Donation from Arthur "Buds Bresciani of New York, New York, to the Navajo Nation to be Deposited into Account Number 3-35000 for the Construction of the Navajo Nation Veterans Memorial Park
OA-17-94 Expressing Support for Legislation to be Submitted by Senator John Pinto to the New Mexico State Senate for Veteran Housing Needs in the Amount of $800,000
CJA-18-94 Expressing Support for Legislation to be Submitted by Senator James Henderson, Jr., to the Arizona State Senate for Veterans Housing Needs; for Construction and Improvement of Senior Centers; for Youth Center Construction; for Construction of Youth Preschool Facilities and Navajo Job Service Program.
BFAU-80-94 Establishing and Approve a Budget Justification for 13066 the $50,000.00 Donation from Contributor Arthur "Bud” Bresciani of New York to the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs for Construction of a Navajo Veterans Memorial Park
GSCJY-54-94 Concurring in the Navajo Nation President's 7f3S-7 Acceptance of a $50,000 Donation From Arthur "Buds Bresciani of New York, NY to the Department of Veterans Affairs to be Used Towards the Construction of the Navajo Veterans Memorial Park, and Recommending the Budget and Finance Committee of the Navajo Nation on Council Accept the $50,000 Donation with an Approved Budget, and Create a Special Revenue Account
GSCJY-56-94 Recommending to the Navajo Nation Council to Authorize and Direct all Employers on the Navajo Nation, Including but not Limited to, Public and Private Sector Employers to, give hiring preference, incorporating Navajo and Veterans Preference Laws and Policies, to Navajo STPAfJO3S Participants who Successfully Complete their classroom training
CAP-35-93 Recognizing and Reinstituting the Navajo Veterans Task Force as a Recommending Entity to Advocate Accessibility of Veterans Benefits and Services for Navajo Veterans and to Complete Assigned Tasks
CO-75-93 Recognizing and Honoring Navajo Women Veterans for their Dedicated Services in the Armed Forces of the U.S.A. and in Preserving the Navajo Way of Life and Endorsing the Walk of the Warriors' 2,129 Mile Journey to the U.S. Capitol
BFJY-37-91 Recommending to the Government Services Committee of the Navajo Nation Council to Approve and Adopt a Plan of Operation for the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs
CAP-37-91 Reaffirming Resolution CO-77-90 and Requesting the United States Government to Erect a Native American Vietnam War Servicemen/women Memorial Adjoining the Statute of Three Servicemen at the Entrance of the National Memorial of Vietnam Veterans, Washington, D.C.
HSCJY-82-91 Recommending to the Government Services Committee of the Navajo Nation Council to approve and adopt an Amended Plan of ration for the Department of Veterans Affairs
HSCAU-95-91 Recommending to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee of the Navajo Nation Council Approval and Ratification of the contract Between the Navajo Nation Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs and Indian Health Services in the Amount of $10,585 .00 Pursuant to Grant Award Number 0191-1631-1291 Under the Agent Orange Class Assistance Program. Vote: 5-0-0
GSCAU-49-91 Approving and Adopting the Plan of Operation for the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs Supporting and Recommending Approval of $40,000.00 for the Navajo Veterans Task Force in Fiscal Year 1995 General Fun4 Appropriation to the Intergovernmental Relations Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee far Adoption by the Navajo Nation Council
CO-77-90 Requesting the United States Government to Erect a Native American Vietnam War Serviceman Memorial Adjoining the Three Servicemen at the Entrance of the National Memorial of Vietnam Veterans, Washington, and D.C.
BFMA-25-89 Approving a Modified Tribal Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 1989 for the Department of Navajo Veterans Affairs
ACMY-109-89 Recommending to the Navajo Tribal Council, the Confirmation of the Appointment of Mr. Emmett Bia as a Member of the Veterans Committee of the Navajo Tribal Council
CMA-17-89 Amending the Plan of Operation of the Advisory Committee of the Navajo Tribal Council; Budget and Finance Committee; Veterans Committee of the Navajo Tribal Council; Amending All Plans of Operation of Standing Committees Selection and Membership Provisions; Amending Resolution CMA-14-89 and Confirming on the Selection of the Members of the Navajo Tribal Council Standing Committees
ACMA-36-88 Amending Resolution ACJY-167-87 and the Plan of Operation for the Office of the Navajo Veterans Affairs within the Executive Branch of the Navajo Tribal Government
ACO-208-88 Recommending Enactment of Formal Resolution by the Navajo Tribal Council Confirming Establishment of the Navajo Veterans Committee as a Standing Committee of the Navajo Tribal Council and Directing Implementation by Advisory Committee Adoption of Plan of Operation
ACN-213-88 Approving the Plan of Operation for the Navajo Veterans Committee of the Navajo Tribal Council and Rescinding Resolution ACJY-168-87
ACD-236-88 Approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Navajo Nation and the Arizona Department of Economic Security, State of Arizona Community Services Administration/Contract No. 03-95-80, for the Purpose of Providing Shelter to Honorably Discharged Veterans Residing Within the State of Arizona
CO-59-88 Establishing the Navajo Veterans Committee as a Standing Committee of the Navajo Tribal Council Composed of Navajo Tribal Council Delegate Veterans to Accomplish the Oversight, Authority, Duties and Responsibilities Formerly Delegated to the Navajo Veterans Commission
ACMY-88-87 Confirming Members to Serve on Commission
ACJY-167-87 Adopting a Plan of Operation for the Office of Navajo Veterans Affairs and Rescinding Resolution ACAU-104-84
ACJY-168-87 Adopting a Plan of Operation for the Veterans Commission
BFJN-84-87 Declaring Budget Savings of $10,654 and Reallocating the Same into Established Account 3-11170-1121 and 3-11170-1300 to Fund a Planner III Position for the Office of Navajo Veteran
ACJY-112-86 Establishing Preferen86ce in Employment for Navajo Veterans
ACAU-135-86 Declaring the Fort Defiance Cemetery as the NAVAJO VETERANS MEMORIAL CEMETERY OF THE NAVAJO NATION
BFO-176-86 Nenahnezad Veterans Park Facilities
ECDCMA-02-86 Supporting the Request by the Central Loan Committee of the Navajo Tribal Council for a $750,000 Loan Fund for Navajo Veterans as a Supplemental Appropriation
BFAP-60-85 Recommending to the Navajo Tribal Council, an Amendment to the Fiscal Year 1985 Budget by a Supplemental Appropriation of $134,167 from Additional Revenues by the Renegotiated Utah International Lease Agreement for the Standing Committees of the Navajo Tribal Council, the Veterans Commission and the Judicial Branch Review Task Force
CMY-26-85 Amending the Fiscal Year 1985 Tribal Budget by a Supplemental Appropriation of $155,167 from Additional Revenues by the Renegotiated Utah International Lease Agreement for the Standing Committees of the Navajo Tribal Council, the Veterans Commission, the Judicial Branch. Task Force, the Navajo-Hopi Land Commission, the CIP Review Committee and the Navajo Telecommunications Regulatory Commission
ACAU-104-84 Approving a Plan of Operation for the Navajo Veterans Commission and Rescinding Past Inconsistent Legislation
ACN-148-84 Approving a Plan of Operation for the Navajo Veterans Commission and Rescinding Past Inconsistent Legislation
ACJY-91-82 Adopting a Plan of Operation for Veterans Assistance
BFJY-157-82 Adopting the Fiscal Year 1982 Budget (8000 Series) for the Veterans Assistance Program
BFMA-84-80 Approving the Amendment to the Fiscal Year 1980 Budget of the Navajo Office of Veterans Affairs to Establish Line Items Account 403 and 404, and Transfer of Funds Among Line Items in Account 5782 to be Reallocated to the New Account
BFMA-109-78 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds and Establishing New Line Items Within the 1978 Fiscal Year Budget of the Navajo Office of Veterans Affairs of the Tribal Division of Social Welfare
BFJN-241-77 Authorizing the Transfer of Funds within the 1977 Budget of the Veterans Affairs Department of the Tribal Office of Social Services
BFJN-186-76 Approving Transfer of Funds within FY'76 Budget of Office of Navajo Veterans Affairs
BFO-379-76 Authorizing Transfer of Funds within FY177 Budget of Veterans' Affairs Department of Tribal Office of Social Services
KIN-129-75 Authorizing Transfer of Funds within Veterans Affairs Department
CF-19-75 Amending the Fiscal Year 1975 Budget by Appropriating $27,830 .00 for the Veterans Affairs Office
BFMA-42-74 Authorizing Transfer of Funds Within Fiscal Year 1974 Approved Budget for Office of Navajo Veteran Affairs
BFN-143-74 Recommending for Amendment of Veterans Affairs Office for Fiscal Year 1974-1975 Budget
CO-63-73 Amending Fiscal Year 1974 Budget for Allocation of Funds for the Office of Veterans' Affairs Rental, Supplies and Xerox Reproduction
CMA-25-71 Authorizing the Establishment of the Office of Navajo Veterans' Affairs and Amending the Fiscal Year 1971 Budget by Appropriating Additional Funds for Operating Expenses
ACN-162-61 Authorizing a Site for the Veterans of Foreign Wars' Home at Shiprock, New Mexico
CD-6-45 Navajo Veterans - Lands and Loans for
CJL-8-44 Hospital - Veterans Hospital Favored
HSCMY-01-04 Amending the Navajo Nation Personnel Policies Manual to Provide for Navajo Veterans' Preference at Section III C
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